Catch Wrestling - The Ultimate Submission Fighting Art

Catch Wrestling - The Ultimate Submission Fighting Art

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"How Luck Was On My Side When I Discovered The Legendary 1914 Farmer Burns Catch Wrestling and Physical Culture Course ... And Why I've Made It Available Once Again"

Farmer Burns School of Wrestling Book pictured

In 1914, Farmer Burns, a world champion catch wrestler and the teacher of Frank Gotch, put out a by-mail wrestling and fitness course entitled, Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture. This butt-kicking course, divided into twelve different lessons, is a literal gold mine of information on catch wrestling; including throws, pinning and submission holds. Lesson XII is even entitled, Jiu-Jitsu --- Self-Defense and Their Relation to Wrestling.

Many people have heard of the course but few people have it. And those who do have it wouldn't dare lend it to anyone, including friends. I had looked for the course for years and no one had it. Then one day in the fall of 1998, after giving a submission wrestling clinic back in my homestate of Iowa, I found it - and after reading it through said to myself, "This information is incredible. I've got to make it available to the masses once again. People are going to be blown away at how profound and 'right on' these teachings still are."

Farmer Burns, the man with a 20-inch neck at a bodyweight of 175 pounds; the man who could do a six-foot hangman's drop and remain unharmed, is legendary for his wrestling prowess and for his teaching method. While in his 70's he was still a major force to be reckoned with. His instructions on the proper application of the half-nelson, three-quarter nelson, quarter-nelson, full nelson and hammer lock are well worth the price of the entire course. Most modern day wrestlers are not taught the proper way to do these holds, if they are even taught them at all.

High school and college wrestlers I have trained have been dumbfounded at how well these holds work (when properly applied), and wonder how they could have ever become a lost art. Those who are students of judo, jiu-jitsu and sambo, love these holds, too ... but they really get pumped when they see how incredibly effective the toe holds, neck cranks and wrist locks are.

Believe me, even if you already think you know how to do these holds, get this course because you are most likely missing several crucial details. And you better warn your training partner before practice. His neck, shoulders, arms and ankles may be really sore. We're talking MAJOR cranking power.

How Much did Farmer Burns and the Other Oldtimer Catch Wrestlers Know?

In the modern era of grappling we tend to believe that we know more than the men of long ago. But the truth is that armbars, chokes, chicken wings, wrist locks, toe holds and so on, have been around a long time.

You only need to read a couple pages of Farmer Burns 1914 mail order course, Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture to realize that we know far less than the old-timers. Not only that, if you are a person who can see the connection between Asian martial arts and the combat arts of the west, you'll find plenty of beef in Farmer Burns course.

Many people in martial arts today scoff at the practice of chi kung. Farmer burns didn't. He didn't call his deep breathing exercises "chi kung" - but if he would have translated the course into Chinese, he would be teaching just that. Here is a direct quote: "Breathing exercises alone, if done RIGHT, will make many a weak man strong and many a sick man well."

The Farmer also talks about other benefits of deep breathing, namely, development of internal organs and strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Look at the quote below and tell me if it doesn't resemble the teachings of Iron Shirt Chi Kung (the ability to take a strike to almost any part of the body and not feel pain).

"My own abdominal muscles are soft enough when relaxed, but when I "set" them the muscles are as hard and rigid as the muscles of my arms or legs. In fact you might strike me with all your force on the stomach with your clinched fist and not cause the least pain. Many have done this and suffered more pain from the blow than I, for my "stomach" muscles have been trained and developed just as carefully as all other parts of my body.

"I want every one of my students to "make good," and to develop an all-around physique, so be sure to take daily exercises for the development of the abdominal muscles. There is nothing better for this than my methods of DEEP BREATHING and HOLDING THE BREATH ..."

Did you see that? Nothing better for abdominal development than deep breathing and holding the breath. Sounds like Farmer Burns was connected to the same river of knowledge that martial arts masters in Asia were connected to.

I can't recommend Farmer Burns course strongly enough. In 1914, when this course came out, it sold for $35. In the year 2000, that same $35 would be $588.15. That's a lot of money, don't you think? But the truth is it would be worth every penny. However, you don't have to pay $588.15 to get a copy of this incredible course. For a limited time you can get your very own copy of it for only $50 plus $6 S&H U.S. ($12 foreign).

So don't delay. Order while supplies last. Remember: This is a limited offer that may expire at any time. Get your copy of Farmer Burns famous mail-order course today.

Again, the course is divided into 12 lessons. It contains instructions on diet, deep breathing, stretching, isometrics, weight training, calisthenics, self-defense, as well as a killer arsenal of wrestling holds (including submissions such as the dreaded toe hold and head chancery). Well illustrated, easy to follow ... and now with a glossy cover to help you preserve. And it's only $50 right now, while supplies last.

Special Bonus: If you are one of the first 10 people to place your order, I'll send you a replica of the 32-page booklet from "Farmer Burns School of Wrestling" absolutely FREE. This booklet is rare indeed - and supplies are limited - so order today.

Simply click the order button right now to place your order for the legendary Farmer Burns course. Only $50 plus $6 S&H U.S. ($12 foreign). And remember, the first 10 to order get a Farmer Burns School of Wrestling t-booklet absolutely FREE. Visa, MC, Amex accepted.

Or, go get a pen and fill in the coupon below and send it with your check or money order to Matt Furey Enterprises, Inc., 10339 Birdwatch Drive, Tampa, Florida, 33647. You can also call our secure voicemail to order. The number is (813) 994-8267.

Click the order button below to place your order

NEW Product: Farmer Burns Course - $50 plus $6 S&H.

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